level 2 nvq Course Delivery
The London Hairdressing Academy

In salon Classes:
1 Day a week
Theory and Practical hours 9:30 am to 7:30 pm
E-homework & revision:
5 Hours a week (on average) out of class homework/study.
All 18-week NVQ Diplomas combine both in class learning and E-Homework.
All Students studying on a VTCT NVQ programme are required to access Google Classrooms to complete and submit set photo homework & Assignments on non class days every week by the given deadline. This is a mandatory requirement (Both in salon classes & E-Homework is a compulsory part of the course, all learners will be tracked weekly, failure to attend or complete the set work will result in removal from the programme).
What does this course involve?
To successfully complete the programme students will be graded and assessed on a range of the following:
• 10 Assignments (to be completed and submitted out of class hours)
• 5 Exams
• Formative and Summative Assessments
• Weekly set Photo Homework (outside of class hours)
Students are required to set aside roughly 5 hours per week to complete photo homework and assignments.
What will I be studying in Class?
Classes will consist of Theory in the morning’s followed by practical sessions after Lunch until the evening. Practical classes consist of demonstrations & practice on training blocks, students or models.
Students are required to stand in as models for one another in the early weeks of the course for blow-dry and setting practice
Once students have successfully completed training on model heads and blocks they will move on to completing summative assessments on models.

What does Theory consist of?
Theory lessons will be delivered in class by each of the programme lecturers to prepare learners for all assignment and examination work providing enough information for all learners to successfully pass all requirements. Theory Material will also be available online for students to refer to throughout the course and after graduation.
- In-class theory knowledge lessons.
- Assignments (There will be 1 assignment for every module).
- Exams (certain modules will also include examination).
Students who do not pass theory will not be able to pass the programme.
All of our Level 2 and Level 3 classes at The London Hairdressing Academy run one day a week, on non class days students are set E-learning work via Google Classrooms that students can access from home, you would need to set aside on average 5 hours a week to complete all photo homework and assignments.
Students have out of class access to Lecturers and staff for any help needed, or ask questions throughout the programme by using Google Classrooms to interact either publicly or privately. Google classrooms must be checked daily for any announcements from the lecturer or centre manager, mobile app notifications should be turned on, students will automatically receive email updates for any new posts on GC.
Practical’s: Students will be set weekly practical homework throughout the course which is to be submitted by the end of the week through photo submissions on Google classrooms.
Assignments: All student Assignments for each module will be posted online and when completed at home will be submitted through google classrooms to the lecturer of the programme for marking.
Resources: All theory taught in class is available on google classrooms as well as exam revision material for students to revise from.
Google classrooms can be accessed online and via mobile app, all notifications are received in real time through app notifications and private emails so students will not miss any important work or announcements.
Students who do not complete practical homework will not be allowed to work on Models to gain competent assessments until they have proven competency via picture uploads on Google classrooms missed homework could potentially result in removal from the programme.
The London Hairdressing Academy participates in Ofsted visits (Ofsted rated ‘Good’), learner walks, class observations as well as IQA/EQA visits by the Examining body VTCT, we are currently still the No. 1 best fast-track NVQ Hairdressing provider in England.
The London Hairdressing Academy & it’s team have received outstanding reports and kept it’s 100% student pass rate since 2015, The LHA have achieved this by designing a programme that delivers a private institutional style of learning without the high tuition fee costs along with bridging the gap between tradition FE colleges that are outdated and allowing us to implement more effect techniques of providing students with a better quality & understanding of theory and stronger practical skills.
Small classes & Additional support.
Learners are able to absorb and retain the theory learnt throughout the programme & keep a record of the work taught, practical demonstration videos and resourses after graduation by accessing Google Classrooms (GC). Unlike FE colleges, classes at The LHA are a maximum of 10 students, this allows a higher quality of learning and more one on one time with the lecturer during class hours. When speaking to new learners who have previously studied at FE colleges, a great advantage they found at The London Hairdressing Academy is the ability to access out of class hours to their lecturer via Google Classrooms as well as bespoke exam revision material, this further develops the quality of learning & results achieved for all our students.
We believe traditional FE colleges in the UK miss out on furthering each learners abilities by not providing any out of hours means of communicating or homework feedback which results in under performance, this is why The LHA team provides one to one support where needed via Google Classrooms in order to help our learners push themselves to be the best they can be.
Attendance & Deadlines
Attendance: Due to the short intensive nature of the Fast-Track 18 week NVQ Diploma, 100% attendance is required. Learners are required to notify the Centre Manager should you be running late to class, for any absences evidence of illnesses or adverse circumstances must be sent to the centre manager in advance. Repeated absences regardless of the cause can result in removal from the programme or a cause for concern email. All learners running late to class must contact the centre manager to avoid delays to the start of each mornings lesson.
Homework: Assignments & photo homework is marked weekly by your programme lecturer strictly by the set date given, it is imperative all students submit their work by the due date in order for this to be marked before your next class day. Should learners need an extension you must inform your lecturer in advance, however, extensions or remarking of work cannot be guaranteed.
Each week’s lesson and homework plan is set out in your ‘scheme of work’ which can be found on google classrooms, should learners fall behind repeated missed deadlines and/or missed deadlines with no explanation can result in removal from the course as well as being prevented from sitting exams until assignments are completed.
Student Removal: As with all UK college programmes The LHA allows all Adult learners to be responsible for their own progression throughout the programme, this means should any learners miss the mandatory work set by the lecturer or fail to communicate with the lecturer prior notifying them of the missing work with a valid reason, this would result in the work being marked as a fail.
Learners who fail a module would be required to re-enrol the next term. Due to the nature of Fast-Track courses, learners who miss work & fall behind on the programme would be removed from the course with immediate effect regardless of the circumstances or reasons. Lecturers will not chase students to hand in work & deadlines must strictly be kept to. At the academy’s discretion learners may receive a cause for concern email before being removed from the programme.
Salon manager & treatwell
Students will each perform Salon manager duties on a rota basis, The Salon manager of the day will be in charge of duties before each mornings theory session, throughout the afternoon assisting the lecturer & students and will end the evening managing stock check. The salon manager clipboard is to be collected every morning and salon manager name is to be written on the salon manager station mirror.
Salon manager of the day can be found on each students Treatwell profile, Treatwell is used by all students to view model bookings they may have assigned for the day to complete formative and summative assessments and any scheduled exams.
What are Formative and Summative Assessments?
Students will be required to carry out a varied number and range of summative assessments on Models for each unit in order to pass the practical aspect of the programme.
Summative Assessments – Students are required to complete a range of summative assessments in order to complete the VTCT programme, summative assessments are all logged in your logbooks along with a consultation sheet you will complete with each model. A Summative assessment is classed as a successful and correctly completed practical assessment in class, with no lecturer help or involvement, a consultation sheet will be filed in learners portfolios to evidence a successful summative assessment which will be marked and inspected by the examining body VTCT IQA & EQA.
Formative Assessments – Learners who do not meet the summative assessment requirements will have consultation sheets logged as a formative assessment to show practice of practical assessments on students or clients in class. Students may receive a formative assessment for any of the following reasons: Lecturer may need to intervene, service results needs improvement, service was not completed within the required time frame, health & safety or PPE requirements were not met etc.
Students who do attend class and complete the required amount of summative assessments will not be able to pass the programme.